Silver Shadow Solariums are on display and can be viewed at Cavan International Equestrian Centre

Cian in Croke Park, Dublin

Oliver Fletcher took leading rider at Liverpool International 2016/17 Photo with Cayleigh and Colleen Duckworth of Silver Shadow Horse Solariums

Oliver Fletcher took leading rider at Liverpool International 2016/17 Photo with Olga, Cayleigh and Colleen Duckworth of Silver Shadow Horse Solariums

Jim Kelly with trainer Willie Mullins, groom Gail Carlisle and of course the mighty "Hurricane Fly"

Sven Hadley - 2015 Leading Rider at Cavan International Horse Show, presented with his Solarium by Jim Kelly Director of Silver Shadow Horse Solariums

Cavan Indoor Championship 2014

Member of the Irish Nations Cup Team 2014 relaxing under a Silver Shadow Solarium at Cian O'Connors Karlswood Stables.